Do you have a furry member of the family who loves a walk? Having a stroll amongst the vines taking in the fresh air and views is a great day out for the whole family.
Did you know 1 in 3 households in the Uk now have a dog.
More and more vineyards are opening their doors to dogs, but just as if you were walking in the countryside it's important to remember there is a lot of wildlife living in amongst the vines so make sure to keep an eye on them.
Many vineyards will ask you keep your 4 legged friend on a lead at all times.
Did you know some vineyards have sheep roaming to help with grass management.
Please remember to take any 'gifts' your dog leaves in the vineyard home with you- it's no good for the grapes!
If you are visiting a vineyard and they say they are dog friendly, make sure the tasting room/restaurant is as well. It's always worth checking the website first.
Here are few vineyards local to me who welcome dogs.
Albourne (vineyard only)
Denbie's (vineyard only)
Grayfriars (self guided tour only)
Wiston Estate (outside tasting area only)
All vineyards and tasting rooms should always accommodate service dogs.
Service dogs are trained to support their handler to achieve more independence in the community.
Did you know it takes 1-2 years to train a service dog.
Staff need to be aware that a 'no dogs' policy does not apply to service dogs so not to cause any distress to person with a service dog. It's also really important to remember a service dog is there doing a job, it won't be distracted by other dogs as it will be trained not to be. However other dogs may not react well to a service dog as they don't understand why it won't 'play' with them. Make sure a service dog is in safe place to support its handler.

Your dog maybe the most friendliest, well behaved dog in the world, but some people are nervous of dogs or be allergic to dogs. If you work in a tasting room or restaurant with indoor areas that are dog friendly, having a space that dogs aren't allowed to be can give a customer with anxiety or allergies of dogs a safe space to be.

If you would like any further support or staff awareness training please feel free to contact me.